Thursday, May 1, 2008

Post Numero Uno

Hello and welcome to Greenish Life!

I've started this blog for a few reasons and not one of them is to preach at you about being green. I promise no guilt trips, no judgment. I just want to share about the ups and downs of trying to green my own life while requesting feedback on what has or hasn’t worked for you. I want to tell all those people out there who feel bad when they don’t recycle one bottle or buy the cheaper less eco friendly version of something that hey, it doesn’t make you a bad person! I know that for me, once you remove the pressure of what I should do, the doing becomes much easier, and plentiful. Implementing a little at a time is a lot less painful than tackling the list of 100 green things and attempting to do them all that day.

Green really caught my attention a few years ago when eco friendly products started to show up. As an interior designer, I’ve always liked the look of natural materials, industrial elements and unique textures. Nothing gets me going quite like something old repurposed as something new, especially if it’s used in a unique way. But whatever the product, if it’s quality AND good for the earth - bonus!

I’ve also invited my boyfriend Ben to write a post now and then. He’s an amazing chef and an even better boyfriend for cooking for this picky “sort of” vegetarian (I still eat fish, eggs and dairy).

Lastly, it’s more than likely that I’ll ramble on about the organic garden Ben and I just planted, Kola the “blog dog” and his fascinating life, along with other random thoughts and musings, green and life related.

Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts!


Macoe said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I look forward to reading more ;)

Tawnia said...

Ah my first comment, of course it would be YOU!

Ben said...

There's nothing green about your blogging skills, baby. Way to go!

Tawnia said...

Love YOU babe!